Free Rider 2 is a bike riding game with a DIY track-drawing feature. This is the trackmill version and has been patched to have better compatibility with Ruffle and get around the site lock for a now, dead site. Controls: Arrows = Move, Z = Flip direction, B = Bail / Ragdoll, CTRL + Click = Pan, Enter = Reset, P = Pause, U = Undo Line, I = Undo Scenery
Line Rider is a sandbox game where you can draw lines with the mouse for 'Bosh' to ride on with his sled after the player presses the 'Play' button. This is the last version based on flash referred to as 6.7
Sandpainting game is just another one of those early 2000s 'Falling Sand' like games where you just play with elements. There is no end or goal of the game other than to create interesting patterns and have fun.